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Zefferer T., Prünster B., Kollmann C., Corici A., Alber L., Czerny R., Podgorelec B.
DGO '23: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 536–543, (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)
Czerny R., Kollmann C., Podgorelec B., Prünster B., Zefferer T.
Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - Together in the Unstable World, 24th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 526–535, (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)
Pedroza G., Chen X., Hernández-Orallo J., Huang X., Theodorou A., Matragkas N., Espinoza H., Mallah R., McDermid J., Castillo-Effen M., Bossens D., Könighofer B., Tschiatschek S., Liu A.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 3505
Nasahl P., Unterguggenberger M., Nagpal R., Schilling R., Schrammel D., Mangard S.
2023 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2023 - Proceedings, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, (Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE; vol. 2023-April)
Nasahl P., Sultana S., Liljestrand H., Grewal K., LeMay M., Durham D., Schrammel D., Mangard S.
Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust, HOST 2023, IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust, 24-35
Schrammel D., Sultana S., Grewal K., LeMay M., Durham D., Unterguggenberger M., Nasahl P., Mangard S.
SECRYPT 2023 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography: SECRYPT 2023, 25-36
Cano Cordoba F., Palmisano A., Fränzle M., Bloem R., Könighofer B.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), AAAI Press, 80-85, (Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS)
Bjørner K., Judson S., Cano Cordoba F., Goldman D., Shoemaker N., Piskac R., Könighofer B.
Bridging the Gap Between AI and Reality , 1st International Conference on Bridging the Gap between AI and Reality, 119-137, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 14380)
Liu S., Kanniwadi S., Schwarzl M., Kogler A., Gruß D., Khan S.
Proceedings of the 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 32nd USENIX Security Symposium
Juffinger J., Lamster L., Kogler A., Eichlseder M., Lipp M., Gruß D.
44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy , 43th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacay
Gast S., Juffinger J., Schwarzl M., Saileshwar G., Kogler A., Franza S., Köstl M., Gruß D.
44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy , 43th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacay
Tarrach T., Ebrahimi M., König S., Schmittner C., Bloem R., Nickovic D.
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security - 42nd International Conference, SAFECOMP 2023, Proceedings, 42nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, 135-148, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 14181 LNCS)
Dobraunig C., Grassi L., Helminger L., Rechberger C., Schofnegger M., Walch R.
TCHES 2023 Volume 2023/3, 25th Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
Grassi L., Hao Y., Rechberger C., Schofnegger M., Walch R., Wang Q.
Crypto 2023, 43rd International Cryptology Conference
Schwarzl M., Kraft E., Gruß D.
Applied Cryptography and Network Security , 21st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; vol. 13905)
Schwarzl M., Borrello P., Saileshwar G., Müller H., Schwarz M., Gruß D.
43th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacay: IEEE S&P 2023, 43th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacay, 1186-1203
Erdeniz S., Schrempf M., Kramer D., Rainer P., Felfernig A., Tran T., Burgstaller T., Lubos S.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine - 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2023, Proceedings, 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 114-119, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 13897 LNAI)
Koch K., Krenn S., Marc T., More S., Ramacher S.
DE 2022 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Economy, Part of CoNEXT 2022, 2022 International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies, 15-20, (DE 2022 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Data Economy, Part of CoNEXT 2022)
Galijatovic E., Eichlseder M., Heindl S., Klug C.
Frontiers in Future Transportation, Vol. 3
Mert A., Aikata A., Kwon S., Shiin Y., Yoo D., Lee Y., Sinha Roy S.
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Vol. 2023(1), 463-500