Cybersecurity is Required Everywhere
The continuous advances in information technologies during the last years have not only lead to great increases of productivity and convenience, but also to unprecedented threats. Today, corporate and private data is generated and processed essentially everywhere – from small sensors and IoT devices to cloud services. Therefore, also corresponding protection mechanisms are required everywhere. Cybersecurity has become a key enabling technology of our digital society and the demand for experts in security and privacy is very high. This creates countless opportunities (startups, enterprises, academia) for graduates specializing in cybersecurity.
Take Off to Countless Opportunities
Research and education in cybersecurity is our passion at ISEC. It is important to us to create a great environment to support students in taking off to the opportunities in cybersecurity. The following paragraphs provide an overview and important pointers for current and aspiring Bachelor, Master, and PhD students.
Find your Bachelor’s Thesis Topic
We offer a wide range of Topics for Bachelor Thesis. However, note that the list on the website is always only a snapshot of what we offer. You can always also simply reach out to one of our lecturers to ask for a topic. We recommend doing your Bachelor thesis and the course “introduction to scientific writing” in the same field.
ISEC Bachelor Excellence Award
Great work deserves appropriate appreciation. In case you finish your Bachelor studies with distinction and you major in information security during your master, you are eligible for an ISEC Bachelor Excellence Award.
Find Your Master’s Thesis Topic
The master thesis an important milestone. Choose the Topic of your Master’s Thesis in the area that interests you most. For selecting the topic, it is best to reach out directly to one of our lecturers to find the topic that is the best match of shared research interests.
ISEC Student Research Excellence Award
It is our goal at ISEC to involve students into research already as early possible – for example in the context of a Bachelor thesis, a Bachelor/Master project, or the Master thesis. Every student at ISEC that becomes a co-author of a scientific publication in the context of a thesis or project, receives an ISEC Student Research Excellence Award.
Join as PhD Student
We typically have several open PhD positions at ISEC and it is possible to Start a PhD at any time of the year. We offer full-time employment during which it is possible to work on your favorite research challenges.
Your PhD Proposal
The PhD Program at ISEC has several milestones that are all defined in our PhD Handbook. This first important milestone is after the first year, during which you explore your field of research and create your first research results.
Share Your Results at Conferences Around the Globe
An essential part of doing a PhD is to share your research findings and to exchange with other researchers. This sharing of results happens through publications, but it also happens through presentations and meetings in-person. ISEC has a wide range of academic and industrial partners from around the globe and traveling to partners and conferences is part of every PhD.
Defend Your Doctoral Thesis
After having become an expert in the field and after having published several scientific articles, the presentation of your research results in a formal defense concludes the PhD. Select one of the countless opportunities to continue your path. The sky is the limit.