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We research cyber security and teach future’s experts
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We research cyber security and teach future’s experts
to ensure secure technology in everyone’s life.
Aleksandrowicz G., Arbel E., Bloem R., Braak T., Devadze S., Fey G., Jenihhin M., Jutman A., Kerkoff H., Könighofer R., Malburg J., Moran S., Raik J., Rauwerda G., Riener H., Röck F., Shibin K., Sunesen K., Wan J., Zhao Y.
2016 Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL), FDL'16 - Forum on Specification and Design Languages
Khalimov A., Bloem R., Veith H., Widder J., Konnov I., Rubin S., Jacobs S.
Bloem R., Könighofer B., Könighofer R., Wang C.
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) - 21st International Conference, 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 533-548, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 9035)
Bloem R., Hein D., Röck F., Schumi R.
International Conference on Tests And Proofs, International Conference on Tests and Proofs
Bloem R., Ehlers R., Könighofer R.
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA'15), International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 394-410, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 9364)
Ehlers R., Könighofer R., Bloem R.
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems , 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems , 3478-3485
Bloem R., Chatterjee K., Jacobs S., Könighofer R.
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) - 21st International Conference, 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 517-532, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 9035)
Bloem R., Chatterjee K., Greimel K., Henzinger T., Hofferek G., Jobstmann B., Könighofer B., Könighofer R.
Acta informatica, Vol. 51(3), 193-220
Bloem R., Hofferek G., Könighofer B., Könighofer R., Außerlechner S., Spörk R.
Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design FMCAD 2014, International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 35-42
Bloem R., Ehlers R., Jacobs S., Könighofer R.
Proceedings 3rd Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2014), Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2014), 34-50, (EPTCS; vol. 157)
Bloem R., Könighofer R., Röck F., Tautschnig M.
International Conference on Quality Software, International Conference on Quality Software, 67-72
Pammer-Schindler V., Stern H., Edler S., Hein D., Pirker M., Bloem R., Wertner A.
Proceeding i-KNOW '14 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business (i-KNOW 2014), ?-?
Könighofer R., Tögl R., Bloem R.
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing - Proceedings of the 10th International Haifa Verification Conference (HVC 2014), Haifa Verification Conference, 92-98, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 8855)
Bloem R., Egly U., Klampfl P., Könighofer R., Lonsing F.
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 31-34
Bloem R., Könighofer R., Seidl M.
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 15th International Conference, International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 1-20, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol. 8318)
Hofferek G., Gupta A., Könighofer B., Jiang J., Bloem R.
2013 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, FMCAD 2013, 13th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 77-84
Bloem R., Greimel K., Könighofer R., Röck F.
VALID Proceedings, International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle, 1-6
Könighofer R., Hofferek G., Bloem R.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Vol. 15(5-6), 563-583
Khalimov A., Jacobs S., Bloem R.
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, VMCAI 2013, 108-127, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
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