Whom to trust? Stefan Mangard on Cybersecurity

“Cybersecurity is the basic prerequisite for the for the functioning of a networked society. The basis of cybersecurity is  confidentiality, availability, and integrity. How can I be sure that the data I get displayed is really trustworthy?”

Read the whole interview of The Red Bulletin Innovator Steiermark with Stefan Mangard by clicking on the link on the right (page 47).

“Everyone has a right to privacy” – Interview with Maria Eichlseder

Maria Eichlseder is conducting research at the highest international level on new mathematical methods that will make the world a safer place to communicate.
Find the full interview on page 40 of the “Spirit of Styria” magazine – link on the right (German only).

How to prove digital security

By now, we entrust almost our entire lives to the digital world. Be it on the mobile phone, on the computer, on the net. No wonder that security is playing an increasingly important role. IAIK has always been concerned with these issues.

Stefan Mangard and Roderick Bloem spoke about provable security with Kleine Zeitung – read the whole article by clicking on the link on the right.

Russia’s access to international online networks on hold

Within days, the largest social networks in Russia lost their raison d’être, and the digital regulars’ tables emptied out. On the one hand, at the behest of the tech companies themselves, on the other, Russian authorities are visibly tightening digital censorship in the country. Russia is not only targeting popular services and digital news sites, it is also increasingly concerned with infrastructure.
“Technical access can be perfectly isolated. It’s not technically difficult to seal off information,” says Reinhard Posch of IAIK, and Chief Information Officer of the government. In Austria, ministries also have their own networks that are not accessible from the outside for security reasons. However, it should be borne in mind that, as a result of a cut-off, only their own services can be offered.
In Russia, this could be particularly serious. After all, civil society there has long since become accustomed to “Western” online services. Posch: “People will quickly become frustrated if established services no longer work.” And, last but not least, the networked Tesla car can no longer be unlocked and locked.

(Reinhard Posch talked with Kleine Zeitung, published on 12th March, 2022)

“Whoever says digital must also say security” – Interview with Stefan Mangard

“Even if cyber attacks are on the rise: Things are not as bad as some think. The world is still under the control of the good guys,” says Stefan Mangard, whose Institute for Applied Information Processing and Comunications is partly responsible for Graz’s excellent reputation as an international cybersecurity stronghold.

The successes in uncovering hardware vulnerabilities at Intel & Co. – “Spectre” and “Meltdown” – earned the institute an enormous international reputation. Joint research projects with big names like Amazon, Google, Intel, NXP, Infineon & Co are on the agenda for researchers at the institute. In addition, a center for research, training, testing and certification in the field of IT security is currently being built on the Inffeld grounds as part of the “Cybersecurity Campus Graz” – in cooperation with the leading testing and certification company SGS.

The institute is currently enjoying a research success in the USA. The U.S. authority NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) announced a worldwide competition for the development of a new standard for so-called “Light weight Cryptography”, which is finding its way into more and more applications, such as small sensors, and is capable of encrypting data with as little computing effort as possible. “Two out of ten finalists in this competition are from our institute, giving us a chance to define a global standard,” Mangard explains.

A cryptographic method with participation from Graz is also on the short list in a second NIST competition – at the center of it: quantum computers. “Since these could quickly decrypt current systems thanks to their extreme performance, we will need entirely new cryptographic standards in the future to make IT systems fit for the quantum age,” says Mangard, whose institute also works closely with local industry.

An information brochure has just been designed in cooperation with IV Steiermark, which contains recommendations for action both for prevention and for what to do if the worst should happen. “Industry 4.0 in particular is vulnerable to new threat scenarios. More and more machines or individual components are communicating not only with each other, but also with the manufacturing companies for updates or predictive maintenance,” said Mangard, whose research focus “Secure Systems” deals with this topic. “An important area of research is efficiently isolating system components to ensure that if individual parts are compromised, the rest of the system remains protected.” Home offices and the multitude of devices in the modern workplace also make a secure computer architecture necessary. “You can think of it this way: In the past, a company was a self-contained unit, a castle, as it were – and today we have a multitude of decentralized islands. A castle is naturally easier to protect than many small units.”

(Stefan Mangard talked with Spirit of Styria 01/22)

Daniel Gruss – interview on cyber crimes and passwords

On the occasion of “Change Your Password Day” on February 1st, Daniel Gruss spoke to a local newspaper about cybercrime, fraud schemes and secure passwords.
Please see the link on the right to read the whole article.

“SPyCoDE” – Realising the principle of “Security and Privacy by Design”

The Austrian Science Fund FWF approved another Special Research Programme (SFB) with TU Graz participation. Under the leadership of Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), researchers from Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), the Universities of Vienna and Klagenfurt as well as IST Austria are working together in the special research programme “SPyCoDE” on technological foundations for realizing the principle of “Security and Privacy by Design”. This principle is enshrined in the new European General Data Protection Regulation. It stipulates that data protection should be considered in the early design phase of IT infrastructures.

You can read more on the topic by following the links to the whole article at TU Graz and FWF.

Information Security Scholarship awarded

Congratulations to Verena Schröppel, who received the Information Security Scholarship on 17th November 2021!
The Cybersecurity Campus Graz is awarding these scholarships for talented and motivated international students starting their studies at TU Graz. Students qualify if they have a major in information security within the english-language master’s programmes of Computer Science, Information and Computer Engineering, or Software Engineering and Management.

Find out more about the scholarship by clicking on the link on the right!

A long way to go for computer science education in schools

Roderick Bloem, professor at IAIK and dean of our faculty, would like Europe to be the leader in computer science education and thinks critical about the domestic education policy where, unlike other countries, it has not been possible to create an increased interest in computer science. Read the whole article published in c’t magazine (in german) by clicking on the link on the right.

Maria Eichlseder profiled by Kleine Zeitung

Cryptography is her passion. Maria Eichlseder researches efficient encryption algorithms and leads her own cryptography research group at our insitute.
Now the newspaper has had a look at her work – you can read it by clicking on the link on the right.