Christoph Dobraunig and Thomas Unterluggauer graduate sub auspiciis praesidentis
For their remarkable performance during their academic career as students, Christoph Dobraunig and Thomas Unterluggauer receive their PhD on 23 November 2018 from the Federal President of Austria, Prof. Alexander Van der Bellen. More information (in German)…
New Professor: Daniel Gruss
We are delighted that Daniel Gruss will join us as an assistant professor. Daniel finished his PhD with distinction in less than 3 years. He has been involved in teaching operating system undergraduate courses since 2010. Daniel’s research focuses on software-based attacks and defenses on microarchitectural layers in hardware and software. He implemented the first remote fault attack running in a website, known as Rowhammer.js. He frequently speaks at top international venues, such as Black Hat, Usenix Security, IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, Chaos Communication Congress, and others. His research team was one of the teams that found the Meltdown and Spectre bugs published in early 2018 and designed the software patch (KAISER) against Meltdown which is now integrated in every operating system.
Publication of Meltdown and Spectre
IAIK researchers are part of the international research team that publish critcial vulnerabilities in modern processors:
Stefan Mangard receives ERC consolidator Grant
The project “SOPHIA – Securing Software against Physical Attacks” focuses on securing processors against all kinds of side channel attacks.
Christian Rechberger Joins IAIK
We are delighted to welcome Christian Rechberger to our team ass a full professor for Cryptography. After completing a PhD in Graz, Christian became a postdoc at KU Leuven and then ENS in Ulm. In 2011, Christian accepted a position as an associate professor at DTU in Denmark. From 2008-2013 Christian coordinatied the hash function working group within the ECRYPT II Network of Excellence. Christian’s research interests are in symmetric cryptography.
Stefan Mangard Joins IAIK
We are very happy to announce that Stefan Mangard will join our institute as a full professor for Information Security. Stefan is author of a textbook on power analysis attacks. Before joining us, Stefan worked as lead security architect at the Chip Card and Security division of Infineon in Munich.
Rigorous Systems Engineering
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded a National Research Network grant from FWF. RiSE is the only network grant in Computer Science in Austria. It’s goal is to bring the state of the art in formal methods from after-the-fatct verification to formal methods to help designers write correct code from the get-go. The grant is coordinated by IAIK’s Roderick Bloem and is a collaboration of Armin Biere (Linz), Krishnendu Chatterjee (IST Austria), Uwe Egly (TU Wien), Thomas A. Henzinger (IST Austria), Christoph Kirsch (Salzburg), Helmut Veith (TU Wien), and Ulrich Schmid (TU Wien).
Reinhard Posch awarded with the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria
Reinhard Posch is awarded with the Grand Decoration of Honour in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria by the Federal President of Austria, Dr. Heinz Fischer.
Groestl becomes SHA-3 finalist
A new hash function designed by a team of cryptographers from IAIK and DTU (Denmark) in 2008 is selected among 50+ proposals by academic and industrial research groups worldwide by NIST ( to be a finalist in a competition for a future standard. See