Herbert Leitold
Dipl.-Ing.Secure Applications, A-SIT
Herbert Leitold is Director-General of Secure Information Technology Center Austria A-SIT. He holds a masters in Telecommunication and Informatics from Graz University of Technology.
Herbert joined IAIK in 1995 and had research assistant positions until 2015. From 2005 to 2012 he was director of the eGovernment Innovation Center EGIZ and from 2004 to 2022 director of the non-profit foundation Stftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies - SIC. Herbert joined A-SIT in 2002 as head of technology assesment, became A-SIT board member as Secretary-General in 2015 and since 2021 is A-SIT 's Director-General.
Qualified Remote Signatures – Solutions, its Certification, and Use
Leitold H., Konrad D.
Proceedings of 29th SmartCard Workshop, 219-231
Erfahrungen aus eIDAS Zertifizierung
Leitold H., Konrad D.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, Vol. 42(7), 429-433
SUNFISH ID1v2 – Identity Management and Access Control at Work
Reiter A., Suzic B., Leitold H., Marsalek A., Prünster B., Ziegler D.
STORK: a real, heterogeneous, large-scale eID management system
Ribeiro C., Leitold H., Esposito S., Mitzman D.
International Journal of Information Security
Privacy Technologies and Policy
Schweighofer E., Leitold H., Mitrakas A., Rannenberg K.
, Springer Verlag